Application for Membership


Secretary: David Wilson, 22 Naworth Drive, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA3 0DD
Email: Telephone: 07721 020489

Please complete this form and press Submit
I/we wish to join the Lancaster & Morecambe Model Engineering Society.

Is this application for more than one person? (Full/partner, full/junior, guardian/junior membership etc)

First name:

Last name:

Your Email:

Choose your web site user name. This should be your last name followed by first initial, no spaces, if available.

User name:


Repeat Password:

Address line 1:

Address line 2:

Address line 3:

Post code:

Home phone number:

Mobile phone:

Do you or have you ever belonged to another Model Engineering Society?

Do you know any existing member(s) of this Society?

Please give a brief description of your modelling and any other hobbies/interests

Please detail any specialist knowledge or skills you could contribute to the Society

Please select your required membership grade below.

We are an equal opportunity society.

How would you like to pay your membership subscription?

Your membership subscription up to 31 December will be £0

In order to enable efficient communication within our Society please complete this section:

I agree to my above details being circulated to Society members (eg membership list):

Please do not circulate the following information:

I would like the following emergency contact details to be held (not on display) at Cinderbarrow:

Please confirm that you agree to the Society's membership conditions.

I agree

Note: For administrative purposes these details are held on a computer database.